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Colors are a major part of our world, we are visual creatures after all! So when it comes to the office, the colors you choose can have a profound impact on productivity and morale. It’s tough to know where to start, so use this guide to help you choose!

First Thing’s First – The Message




You may have heard of color psychology – the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. While our perceptions of color vary based on individual and cultural experience, there is still a fairly strong standard of what colors signify. Yellow is a happy color, black is a brooding color, green is a fresh color, groundbreaking stuff right? When you want to add or change colors in the workplace, start with the message you want to send. Are you a serious, well-established law firm? Are you a fun, creative studio, shaping the world through positive design? Are you a bank with the utmost integrity? Consider what you want your space to say about your brand, and choose colors that evoke this message.







It’s Not Just the Color, It’s the Intensity

So you’ve picked colors that are sending the right message, but that’s not enough. Which shade you pick also sends its own message, and has its own uses.



Bold colors are great, they’re exciting and fun and can’t be ignored- but that doesn’t mean your staff wants to see hot pink everywhere they look. These work best as accents, like one wall or a stripe.




Pale colors are the most common and easiest choice – it’s hard to mess up something you don’t really notice. These are great for the majority of your space because they blend in very well. If you’ve got small rooms, or rooms with no windows, pale colors are your best bet for reflecting light, giving rooms an airy feel.




Deep Colors get noticed. They make a dramatic statement without screaming “Look At Me!” These rich and soothing tones work well for spaces that are down-to-earth, established, and strong. Avoid painting those small, windowless rooms with these colors as they will just make everyone a little claustrophobic. If you have an open floor plan, these colors can help tie the room together without drowning everything out.




If you’ve studied design, you’ve probably heard this rule. 60% of your space should be the main color, 30% the secondary color, and 10% the accent color. This is a great tip to keep in mind, so you don’t go overboard with that bright turquoise, but still get to incorporate it throughout your space. Good design is about balance, and it goes beyond your walls. This rule applies to everything from the panels on cubicles to the couches in the lobby.


The Last Bits –  Furniture, Accessories, and Branding

Luckily, furniture manufacturers know that people love color! You have access to countless colorful chairs, panels, and accessories. Textile manufacturers use literally every color in the book, allowing you to choose fabrics that will tie the whole space together. Why not choose neutral colored furniture that allow for replaceable panels and cushions, so you can change it up down the road, without having to throw the whole lot out.

The whole point of a well designed office is to help your company succeed. Whether it’s inspiring employees, increasing productivity, or impressing clients, your office needs to be all about your organization. If your company’s colors are red and yellow, it’s probably smarter to include those in your design than making everything purple. This isn’t to say that the office should look like a fast food chain, but tying in these colors can subtly reinforce your brand.



So Go Forth! Paint the office red! Or blue! Green! Coral is in this year, so make a splash! Delight your clients and employees with a change of pace! If you need help, well, Rose City is just a phone call away!

Ah, the cubicle, the home away from home. If you want the best from your staff, do your part in ensuring they have a workstation that nurtures productivity. Consider the following aspects of your office and evaluate how the setup you’ve provided measures up.


We know sitting for several hours a day, every day, for years and years, just isn’t healthy. By providing sit-stand desks, adjustable monitor arms, optional footrests and ergonomic chairs with armrests, you can help tailor every workstation to every person. Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all here, so many sure everyone has what they need. Try hiring an ergonomist to run through the office and make sure everyone has the tools to take care of their body.



We’ve all had to work near a Chatty Cathy and a Talkative Tom, and sometimes their stories are all you can think about! Use noise reducing panels on workstations, desks, walls, even flooring to help everyone focus.


Different bodies run at different temperatures, and few things are as distracting as being too hot or too cold. Most people don’t want to impose on others by changing the temperature of the whole office. Make sure to have enough desk fans and space heaters on-hand so everyone can make themselves comfortable. Above all, don’t forget to regularly check in and see how everyone feels about the thermostat.



Don’t let your office fall into disrepair. Putting off replacing worn out chairs and chipped desks is a recipe for reduced morale. Your staff works hard for you, you owe it to them to have quality furnishings.


Poor lighting leads to headaches, tension, eye strain, lack of focus, drowsiness and stress; not exactly helpful for productivity. If you’ve got windows, make sure the light they provide is accessible. Ensure your office has ambient lighting, overhead lighting and task lighting. Instead of fluorescent, opt for bright white or blue-enriched LEDs which increase alertness, performance and sleep quality.


While the visual aspect makes an office appealing, plants do much more than look nice. Noise absorption, air cleaning and stress reduction are just a few benefits having plants in the workplace can bring. Be sure to consider plants that will do well in an office; there are many which require less light, less water, and are hypoallergenic. Nature makes people feel good, so incorporate some into your workplace.


More and more people today are committed to protecting the environment and doing the right thing whenever possible. At Rose City Office Furnishings we applaud this new era of social responsibility and look to embody best community practices at every opportunity.

In fact, our sister company, Rose City Moving and Storage, has long be an industry pioneer and has incorporated sustainability and green throughout moving processes, from green moving crates made of recycled materials to the efficient vehicles in our impressive fleet.

Which is wonderful, but you’re probably wondering, what does that have to do with office furniture?

Quite a lot, actually, and it starts by finding partners as committed to Green as we are. Here’s one example.

AIS is one of our preferred lines of office furniture, and they’ve found a better way, and a more sustainable approach, to the business of manufacturing office furniture.

A leader in Lean Manufacturing, striving to minimize and eliminate, where possible, waste throughout the manufacturing processes at AIS facilities in Massachusetts.

Using a high degree of recycled content, building furniture that is Greenguard certified, and furniture that is designed for future re-use by succeeding generations.

This is only the beginning of this amazing story.

AIS is the first manufacturer to achieve CarbonNeutral certification.

What this means is that carbon emissions are measured and then offset, investing in alternative green power, by counter-balancing what is produced with reductions courtesy of projects that make a difference here in the United States, and around the world. These projects include forest management in the Big River/Salmon Creek forests of Northern California, Wind Power from the Damao Wind Power Project in Inner Mongolia, and methane capture initiatives in the coal mines of Tieling, China.

And there’s still more to be told.

Partnering with ANEW, AIS helps customers to repurpose unwanted office furniture, with a take-back solution for not only furniture, but fixtures and other architectural materials.

Rather than adding to already over-burdened landfills, these materials are then donated to public agencies and local charities.